Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Prayer is not the least we can do, it is the most we can do

A few months ago I sat with a friend in the hospital as he and his wife waited for the results of a cat scan. There was a possibility that it was something serious. Waiting in the hospital is such a helpless feeling. There nothing you can do but pray. I told him I wish I could do more, but then I was reminded of something I had just read, a statement that still resonates inside my head,

“Prayer is not the least we can do, it is the most we can do.”

For some reason we are driven “to do.” I don’t think that’s a bad thing but it should never take place of praying. Prayer reminds us that we need Him. (Philippians 4:13)

Well now, humanly speaking my friend justa got even more difficult news regarding his wife. I sat with him again and we prayed. After praying I said I wish I could do more and he reminded me that “prayer is not the least we can do, it is the most we can do.” If prayer is the most we can do, will you pray with me for my friend and his wife. Some of you may know him, his name is Glenn and his wife’s name is Chris. Thanks

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