Monday, September 17, 2007

Top Ten Things I've Learned by Being a Church Visitor

I'm a pastor, so I don't get a chance to visit too many other churches, unless I'm on vacation. Right now I'm not on vacation but I'm inbetween ministries so I've had the unique opportunity to visit quite a few churches. While visiting I've learned a number of things about myself and churches in general that I thought I would share with you.

The Top Ten Things I've Learned by Being a Church Visitor.

10. Coffee is a great thing to help people feel welcome. (Some even let you take it in the worship center as long as you put a lid on it)
9. Reclining theater seats are way to comfortable to sit in and expect people to stay awake during the sermon.
8. People are going to know you are a visitor in a church of 30 people who are all under 30 years old! (especially if you are 54!)
7. It's easier to go to church when you already know someone who goes there
6. God can use His Word to give you just what you need, when you need it, even if you are "just" a visitor.
5. Church can be done almost anywhere, at anytime with any number. (ie, "Where two or three are gathered there I am also")
4. If you visit enough churches in the summer you are sure to hear a youth pastor preach at least once while the senior pastor is on vacation.
3. I won't raise my hand to admit I'm a visitor, except to get a free CD.
2. The OSU Fight Song makes a great prelude if you live in Columbus and the Buckeye's won the game the day before.
1. I don't want to be a "church visitor" forever.


Anonymous said...

Coffee is great just as long as the water source doesn't taste like it came from the pond out back. You know what I am talking about.

Anonymous said...

I have visited a few churches over the past few months and I enjoy it. It's great to see how other people do church. And Coffee is a great thing. I sometimes run the coffee bar at my church and you get to talk to and meet several other people.