Tuesday, January 29, 2008

No Wonder they call it the "SUPERBOWL"

Super Bowl Sunday marks the day on which Americans chow down the second greatest amount of food. Thanksgiving is the only day on which Americans eat more food. On Super Bowl Sunday Americans eat 11 million pounds of potato chips; 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips; 3.8 million pounds of popcorn. To put it in perspective, that’s enough chips to go from here to the moon and half way back. And enough popcorn to create a popcorn string that would go around the earth almost 5 ½ times.

Furthermore, TV and antacid sales both increase. TV sales increase by 5x before the Super Bowl and antacid sales increase 20% on the day after the Super Bowl. So what are you doing for the Super Bowl? We are inviting 150 or so of our “closest friends” to join us at church for “Souper” Bowl Sunday. It will be our very first church “pot luck.” Everyone is bringing either soup, sandwiches or dessert. We will be meeting at our regular time of 4:30 and at our regular place, the Dublin Recreation Center, but instead of our regular service we will be sharing a meal and the “story” of journey church. Also, we will be introducing our “deacon/directors” and have them tell a little bit of their “story.” Feel free to join us, and don’t worry, we’ll be done in plenty of time to get you home to enjoy the Super Bowl (antacid not provided).


Anonymous said...

"On Super Bowl Sunday Americans eat 11 million pounds of potato chips; 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips; 3.8 million pounds of popcorn." --- are these statistics correct... I mean so much of food consumption... amazing!!!!!

dennis said...

Unbelievable isn't it! Check out the "facts" at the web address below. Happy eating. http://www.nubella.com/content/view/1530/